Wednesday, 27 February 2008

PPA; Pilihanraya & Broadband


biggrin finally... i've submitted my PPA just now.. after couples of "headache weng tintong" weeks... huhh memang la senak kepala pening perut mima... PPA or Performance Planning and Appraisal a.k.a Performance Evaluation... tiba je time ni, stress tahap nage tersembur-sembur api... twisted dengan keja lain yang berlambak-lambak lagi nak kena buat... bukan apa, dalam setahun kena buat sampai tiga kali! 1. at the beginning of Financial Year, 2. mid Financial Year , 3. end Financial Year... fuhh memang la superb bombastic Performance Evaluation System! lol oh ya, my company's Financial Year start from April to Mac. now already end of February, so kena la submit End Year Review... kalau dapat rating baikkk punye, dapat la bonus! i wonder... other company punye appraisal evaluation tak de la secanggih ni... true, it's good to have a brilliant system, but at the end of the day menyusahkan... Cik Azie selalu la terpaksarela tahan telinga denga cik mima membebel pasal belum lagi masuk bab Surveys, LBFS... huarrrgg


Masuk hari ke-empat kempen pilihanraya... macam-macam yang dah kita dengar... all the sweet talks dan hentam-menghentam! amati, fikir dan buat pilihan. it's suppose to be my first vote; regretfully, when i check at SPR website, my data can't be found! sikit punya berkobar-kobar nak mengundi ni... tak de pulak nama cik mima. (bila aku daftar ye? lepas habis blajar tu kan... camne leh takde pulak?) pape pun, 8 haribulan cuti...
biggrin yeaaa boleh stay lama sikit kat KL!


Ahaa i've recently subscribe to one of broadband service...
biggrin so far, ok... but here in Labuan the signal is not really satisfying... but i bet, compared to the other service provider, this one is really good!mrgreen

saya dah sampai ke episod 7 Coffee Prince razz

i'm going back to KL this Friday...mrgreen
hehehe mcm dekat benor je... asik ulang-alik pi mai pi mai


Anonymous said...

waaa...dah ada broadband cik mimah itu!!

hehehhe..kamik jugak gila online..hehhehhe

bila mau pulang lagi cik mimi??

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