This is a "Lesson 71" from my bos Mr. AZ after we came back from CCA/Team building last August.
This is isn't a new concept?but it still remains a very
important one.
The feeling of fear is one of the hardest emotions to
overcome, as usually you feel fearful because of an
EXPECTED rejection.
That's what the rejection is - expected or assumed.
Let's say you had to 'cold call' one hundred people today.
Most people either wouldn't do it, or wouldn't complete all
the calls. Why? Because of the rejection 'factor'.
Now?what if I said that if you made all one hundred calls
I'd give you a million dollars? Would you do it then? I
expect you probably would.
You must realise that it's not the actual task you are
afraid of?it's the possible consequences.
For example, I hate public speaking?but within 3 years I
WILL have conquered my fear and become a good public
Why? Because I know that if I really want to be successful
I must do some public speaking. Period. So I am going to
have to get over my 'fear' and make it happen.
Action Point:
What can you do to push yourself out of your 'comfort zone'?
Fear comes down to one word: confidence.
If you go into a situation confident enough that, as long
as you do your very best, it shouldn't matter what happens.
Everyone has to start off somewhere?and, once you face your
fears for the first time, you will be surprised at how easy
it is to do it again and again!
my fear --> swimming, bawak keta laju2 and masukkan contact lens dlm mata! huhuhu..
my fear: lintas jalan, ular, gelap, lemas...bla bla bla [huish banyaknye...bawak keta tak lens pakai je...;)]
my fear-->benda2 berbulu..
alahai trah..aku ske bwk keta laju2..leh release tension..hmmm..teringat time go kart kat PD ari tu..lagi best kalo cik mimah kite ni ada
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